CONSUMER ALERT #1-There have been reports of a person or persons claiming to be associated with Chihuahua Rescue doing behavioral "counseling" or training. Chihuahua Rescue does NOT endorse or recommend any dog behavioral consultants, counselors or methods except our own in- house restorative therapy management.
CONSUMER ALERT #2- There are websites and domains that claim to be part of or associated with Chihuahua Rescue or claim to be rescuers. Research any and all claims before surrendering dogs or donating money. Some entities that claim to be rescues are actually "virtual" rescues who only operate websites (which can be hosted for as little as a few dollars per month) and if and when they ever accept a dog, immdeiately place the animal in an unlicensed, unregulated foster home. There is no real kennel and the accountability of where money goes is unknown.
CONSUMER ALERT #3 CHIHUAHUA RESCUE is in NO WAY AFFILIATED with CRT ("Chihuahua Rescue and Transport"- their domain LOOKS like ours, but is NOT- we have no "dash" or hyphen in our name) They are not LICENSED and DO NOT have a LEGAL kennel. Please be wary before you turn over your precious Chihuahua to them. The dogs end up in foster homes that are not regulated by any city, state or government agency.